Does Invisalign Hurt? Here’s What To Expect And What To Do

Invisalign is a treatment that focuses on correcting one’s teeth. The procedure involves inserting bracketless aligner trays that support teeth realignment. While the method provides a valuable alternative to braces, patients might experience discomfort. The following suggestions are things you need to do to address the issue.

Talk to your Orthodontist

One of the things you need to do after a Reston Invisalign is to talk to the orthodontist. Try to consult about the potential issues you might encounter and the corresponding solution to the problem. They should give you suggestions on how to handle pain and the possible timeframe for positive changes to occur. Moreover, you should also become aware of restrictions. Make sure to ask questions on relevant concerns that will affect your ability to function normally.

Schedule Switching of Aligners

Another strategy to help limit discomfort involves scheduling your switch of aligners. An orthodontist will suggest patients change to a new aligner before bedtime. The move will help your body get used to the material while sleeping. As you are sleeping, your teeth and gums adjust to the specific measure. Should you encounter pain during the period, you should drink pain medications prescribed by your dentist.

Focus on Soft Food

People who wear an aligner should note that their tooth and gums might experience a little bit of swelling. As such, it is ideal to avoid chewy foods during the first few days. Eating these types of food can lead to further discomfort. You should try to focus on soft foods or liquids to better manage the pain and as your mouth adjusts to the new material.

Pain Relievers

Patients who recently got a Reston Invisalign can also opt to get over-the-counter pain relievers. You request your orthodontist to prescribe a medication that helps alleviate the discomfort. Make sure to ask about the duration of when to take. The ideal timeframe is during the first three days after inserting a new aligner. You should also talk to the doctor if you have specific allergies to get alternatives.

Cold Compress

Another alternative to help alleviate pain and reduce soreness of teeth and gums is through cold compress. You can do this when the pain starts to become unbearable. You can apply the compress between your cheeks and lips for ten minutes. Instead of taking medications, the cold temperate can reduce the ache inside.

Keep Wearing Aligners

Lastly, you should continue wearing your aligners. Although you feel discomfort during the process, the pain will go away after your teeth and gums become accustomed to the material. The pain you get from aligners provides a positive indication for treatment. Make sure to follow the prescribed timeframe that the dentist requested. These will help reduce complications and improve your overall dental health.

The Bottom Line

Overall, Invisalign treatment is an alternative option for people seeking to correct their teeth and gums. The procedure uses aligners to fix your teeth’s position and improve overall oral health. It is essential to note that patients can experience discomfort. The points above should help you deal with the issue. In any situation, make sure to contact your dentist for proper support and diagnosis.

If you are looking for a comfortable choice to bring that beautiful smile, Stang Family Orthodontics gives you Reston Invisalign. With this innovation, you don’t have to deal with metal brackets and dietary restrictions. Contact us today!

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