A good hair day really helps at keeping our mood on and happy. Thus, through this sentence, we can say that our hair is extremely important to us. We take utmost care of our hair so as to make sure it always remains in a healthy state looking lush. A bad hair day can easily give us a cranky mood and hair loss can give us a nightmare.
Sadly, the frequency of this nightmare increasing among the individuals and more people are suffering from acute hair loss with each passing day. Some hair loss problems can be solved by using homemade remedies or by popping in hair supplements. However, few hair loss problems are quite impossible to be cured through such methods, which is why hair transplantation has gained popularity in leaps and bounds over the years.
Talking about 10-15 years back, the term hair transplantation was not at all popular to the majority of Indian population. However, today most of the people are indulging into this surgery provided they are backed by the potential financial condition. So, we will hold up a picture of hair transplantation as a whole and give you the fair idea about this new age surgery.
What is Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplantation, as we call it a modern age surgery to treat baldness and overcome hair loss using the most advanced technique for the process. The surgery involves removing straps or small patches of hair from the side of the scalp or areas which are not victim of hair loss. These patches or straps of hair are placed on the bald area to cover them up. Hair transplant surgery is an extremely critical surgery and must be performed with finesse. The patient must make sure to consult an expert in this case and get it done by a skilled surgeon using the modern technology for the same. Little bit of mistake can turn the tables in a negative angle. So make sure to get your hair transplantation done by the best doctor in your town.
Best Places in India for Hair Transplantation
Well, to start with we will definitely say cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai are the best destinations for the hair transplantation surgery. These cities are developed in terms of financially as well as technologically and thus have the best faculty and equipments to carry the surgery. Apart from that, Hair transplant in Ludhiana, which is though a small town and still in its developing state, has some great hair transplant surgeons and also way affordable compared to the other cities. Plus, they are coming up with all the modern technology development in their city to make hair transplantation story a successful one. However, on the whole hair transplantation cost in India is Rs 30 to 40 per graft (in general). This amount might vary from one city to another and on the amount of grafts that has to be used on a particular person. Also, hair transplantation cost depends upon the surgeon who is carrying it out.
Why is Hair Transplantation required?
Well, logically speaking there is no hard and fast rule that a person has to go through hair transplantation. He can stay bald if he wishes to do so. However, if you are suffering from acute hair loss problem and is relying on home remedies then you are definitely walking in the wrong path. On the scientific terms, hair transplantation is the corrective method of curing your hair loss problem. It gives a very natural look to your hair and allows your hair to grow following the natural growth system which is least harmful to your scalp. Initially, after the surgery there will be hair loss but after a period of 6 months you’ll see your hair growing back which will give a complete natural look top your hair. So, lastly we will wrap up the blog by listing down the after effects of the surgery,
Post-Transplantation Effects
Below is the list of things that you should be experiencing after the surgery.
- Scars and cut marks in the donor area.
- Bleeding in the areas where the operation has been carried out.
- A sensation of numbness in the area where the hair has been transplanted and in the donor site.
- Hair loss at the initial stage after the surgery.
- Cysts or lumps in the donor area.
- Proper hair growth by the 6th month of the post surgery.