Any illness (along with its symptoms) leaves a trail of side-effects on the patient’s body and mind. Treatment of these side-effects is necessary too. Palliative care provided by providers like Hospice & Palliative Care Dallas treats these side-by-side with the curative treatment of the central illness. These are the different types of palliative care and how they help.
Mental Palliative Care
Many illnesses and their medications may affect one’s mind. For example, certain diseases (such as insomnia) can affect sleeping patterns, thus increasing anxiety and fatigue. Many patients might develop anxiety or depression due to the stress caused by the disease or the treatment. Palliative care providers like AmeriPrime Hospice LLC use exercises, counseling, and medications to treat these effects. Support groups and sessions with psychologists further help the patient to cope with them.
Financial Palliative Care
Some treatments can be pocket-burners. It may cause stress and anxiety among the patient and the family. In addition to the treatment fee, the patient may have other expenses such as the cost of medicines, bed, or traveling. The care team has a financial counselor who can help you with this matter. Medicare, Medicaid, and many insurance companies can help lessen your financial burden.
Physical Palliative Care
Physical side-effects of an illness is a significant reason why the doctor recommends someone hospice care provider (like Hospice Dallas) or palliative care provider. Physical effects of the disease depend on the illness itself, its stage, treatment medications, and the patient’s normal health. Most well-known effects include pain, fatigue, nausea, delirium (patient is mostly confused), lack of appetite, sleeping problems, and breathing problems (dyspnoea). Many of the effects (mentioned or not) are also caused by side-effects of medications and mental disorders. The care for these effects may include other medicines, physical therapies, properly planned diets, and sessions with different specialists.
Social Palliative Care
Many people go into depression due to illnesses. They may find it hard to talk to their loved ones, to express themselves. It may increase their anxiety levels and worsen their physical, mental, and emotional health. The care team of providers such as Hospice & Palliative Care Dallas has a social worker who can help the patient as well as the family in this matter.
Emotional Palliative Care
Any illness (physical or mental) can influence your emotions to a great degree. One may feel anxious, sad, depressed, lonely, and even angry. These may affect the patient physically. Palliative care providers and hospice care provider such as Hospice Dallas offer support groups, counselors, and psychologists that can help cope with these emotions.