Cans of beer or a few pegs are very common for a celebration. Feeling a bit light, forgetting all the issues for a brief period and enjoying yourself takes many people to the bars every single evening until it is addiction that leads them. Once addiction takes hold, nothing else is needed for a celebration. The addictive person just heads to the drinks even if he or she is needed somewhere else for far better reasons.
Getting treatment for alcohol addiction will ultimately lead to the symptoms of withdrawal. There are stages to this process and the situation just gets tough leading to DTs in the 3rd stage of withdrawal. Without proper treatment, alcohol withdrawal and anxiety can prove to be fatal for anyone. Trying to use medication to treat the symptoms can worsen the situation unless the medicines are prescribed by a physician.
Phase 3 and DTs
Phase 3 is the time where delirium tremens, also known as DTs, or the most serious withdrawal symptoms, appear. Tactile hallucinations, in which a person experiences intense itchiness, burning, or numbness without cause, are a common sign of DTs. Due to its severity, it is frequently mistaken for a rash, which causes many alcoholics to experience the sensation that something is crawling under their skin. Alcoholics who experience this sensation scratch relentlessly, severely damaging their skin in the process.
It is still unclear what causes the itching that occurs during the stages of alcohol withdrawal. Some medical experts have suggested that it’s possible that the tactile hallucinations are brought on by the central nervous system reawakening after being anesthetized by alcohol for such a long time. It is far too common to undervalue the impact of alcoholism on one’s physical health, especially for individuals who are alcohol intolerant.