The Complicated Relationship Between Wisdom Teeth and Oral Health Problems

Impaction caused by misalignment is one of the most common issues with wisdom teeth. This occurs when a tooth partially penetrates the gum line but instead bites into a nearby tooth or bone. In as many as 90% of instances, impactions involve the lower wisdom teeth. In addition to rupturing at odd angles, misaligned teeth can also cause other problems.

A dentist offering wisdom tooth extraction in Toronto explains that impaction frequently results in swelling, infection, cyst formation, and harm to the neighboring teeth and bone structures. In addition, it can worsen pre-existing dental work, increase the risk of periodontal disease, aggravate temporomandibular joint disorders, and create crowding. Serious infections and abscesses could arise if treatment is not received. Therefore, extraction is often required, particularly when there are recurring infections or irreversible deterioration.

Cysts and Tumors

Dentigerous cysts are the most common cysts associated with wisdom teeth. They often form around the crown of an impacted or partially impacted tooth. The fluid that is accumulating promotes inflammation and bacteria while increasing pressure on the surrounding tissues. These cysts are benign, but if they get too large, they could cause damage to nearby tooth roots and nerves.

Dentigerous cysts, which are cysts connected to wisdom teeth, typically develop around the crown of an impacted or partially impacted tooth. The fluid that is accumulating puts more pressure on the surrounding tissues and promotes the growth of bacteria and inflammation. Although benign, these cysts have the potential to harm neighboring tooth roots and nerves if they enlarge too much.

Tooth Decay and Disease

Plaque and tartar accumulation is encouraged by the wisdom teeth’s hard-to-reach placement, which makes dental deterioration more likely. Particularly near teeth that are partially erupting, food particles and bacteria can readily become lodged. Afterward, the adjacent teeth and bone may be affected by the decay.

The risk of acquiring periodontal disease is also increased by inadequate cleaning. The inflammation affects the tissues surrounding the tooth and those that keep it in the socket. Gingivitis may develop into full-blown periodontitis if an infection penetrates the tooth’s root and the bone underneath it. Chronic bad breath, receding gum lines, red, irritated gums, and finally, tooth loss could result from this if treatment is not received.

Ongoing Dental Issues

Those who continue to have problems with their wisdom teeth after extraction usually have dental problems for the rest of their life. Studies show that about 10 percent of wisdom tooth extraction patients endure excruciating pain related to a condition known as “dry socket,” which exposes vulnerable nerve tissue and bone. It arises from an early collapse of the blood clot protecting the surgical site.

People with large jaws and alignment problems that put them at risk for wisdom tooth impaction frequently also have crowding and misalignment problems with their other teeth. Orthodontic intervention is frequently necessary to prevent more serious occlusion problems. Of course, the trauma of having a wisdom tooth out can cause nerve damage that might last a lifetime and cause sensitivity issues.

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