The Things You Don’t Know About Mothers For Rent

In the last decade, the number of couples who resort to a rental belly as an option to fulfill their dream of parenthood has grown.

Pregnancy by substitution, colloquially known as surrogate mothers, surrogate mother or surrogate mother, is a practice, increasingly widespread, through which a woman agrees to gestate a baby and renounce their filiation, that is to say all their rights, including those of mother, in favor of another person or couple.

It is a process that involves numerous complications, not only ethical or economic, but also legal, since it is prohibited in most countries, including Spain.

The reproductive technique

Its reproductive technique used in these cases is in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination, with which there are different possibilities:

  • The pregnant mother is also the biological mother because she provides the ovule.
  • The contracting mother is the biological mother because her ovule is introduced.
  • The ovum is obtained by anonymous donation from a third woman.
  • The contracting father is the biological father because he brings the gametes.
  • The male genetic material comes from a donor.

Although the process is the same, surrogacy may be the result of a contract that establishes a price or may be due to an altruistic action, usually belonging to a relative.

When it is carried out by means of economic compensation:

It is the interested parties or contractors who run all the expenses that pregnancy and childbirth can bring, as well as any complication that may take place.

That’s the reason why we can say that it is an expensive process.

Why do we resort to surrogate mothers?

Not all couples with fertility problems manage to reach their goal through the different options that are put at their disposal, so the demand of mothers of rent or gestation by substitution is becoming an option that is increasingly taken into account.

In addition to these people who have been undergoing long processes of reproduction without positive results, homoparental families who want to have children and find many obstacles to adopt or simply want at least one member of the couple are also inclined towards this alternative.

But, undoubtedly, the belly of rent is a very interesting choice in case of women without uterus, who have congenital diseases or who suffer from pathologies in which pregnancy is discouraged.

Even for those single men who want to start a family.

In general, in surrogacy, the woman who rents her belly has an economic goal, but also wants to help others.

When the process of the rent belly begins, through the egg donations agencies in charge of organizing and supervising each step, the prospective parents are given the opportunity to choose the candidate they consider most appropriate.

Post Author: admin