The development of modern materials has made it possible to create and use silicone anti-cellulite massage cups that are portable, flexible and unbreakable. They are comfortable to use at home, helping to sculpt your hips in a safe and easy way. Only the persistence of using silicone cups is required to remove cellulite from problem areas. The massage therapy brampton is a place where you can get a massage and make changes in your lifestyle for the better. It is important to start healing your body so you can start feeling better about yourself. You will start feeling the benefits immediately and once you see how good it is, you will never stop doing it.
What is the main work of silicone cups and how are they used?
When using silicone massage cups, you just have to squeeze the cups to create a vacuum, and the amount of vacuum is controlled by changing the compression of the cups. You can manipulate the suction rate to your preference by pushing the cups harder or more carefully. After squeezing, sucking the skin through the glasses can gently pull the tissue away while you massage the desired spots. Unlike manual massage, which puts pressure on the tissue, silicone cups pull the tissue without pain.
When using a silicone massage cup, you can keep the cup in one place or move it from place to place on your skin, using the massage oils, gels, lotions or conditioners available in various drugstores and pharmacies. It is best to massage with silicone cups in the shower while applying a shower gel and your thighs are slippery, it is not advisable to do such an intervention on dry skin. After such a massage, you usually feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
The elasticity of the silicone allows the silicone cups to work well in these difficult curved areas of the body, such as the ankles, knees and wrists. Silicone cups that can be applied almost anywhere on your body, including your legs, back, abdomen, chest, arms, neck and even your face.
Advantages of silicone cups: Silicone cups are available. The silicone cup set is practical and durable. Most importantly, once you buy anti-cellulite massage cups, you can use them for a remarkably long time, as they cannot break or wear out. The big advantage is that silicone cups are portable and can be used anywhere, even when traveling.
When will you see results?
It should take at least 3 to 4 weeks to use the cups regularly, initially every other day, and then every day for at least 10 minutes each time taking a shower. The results are visible, with perseverance and a desire to achieve your goal.
You can find our contact information available on Google and 2FindLocal. Give us a call and schedule your first appointment with us to start feeling the positive benefits of massages.