Wounds: Tips for Healing

For fast wound healing, a patient requires the correct treatment and advice from a coverage expert like Don Trudeau. Apart from that, you also have a part to play. The following are tips that will help in fast healing of a wound.

1.    Eating the correct diet

The foods that you eat play a vital role in the healing process of the patient’s wound. The means should cater for proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Proteins help in the growth of collagen around the wound for the development of new skin. Some of the foods that are rich in proteins include legumes, lean meat, and fish. Iron and calcium are essential minerals in the healing of wounds. They help in clotting and formation of blood which to prevent anemia in case of excessive blood loss. Some sources of these minerals are kales and fruits.

The vitamins required in the healing of a wound are A and C. The vitamins are significant in the formation of collagen which acts as the connective tissue. According to National Institutes of Health, some good sources of these vitamins are green vegetables and fruits, for example, kiwi, kales, spinach, and tomatoes.

2.    Wound dressing

The purpose of dressing is to prevent infestation of the wound by bacteria which can lead to further infection. The process is aimed at reducing outward pressure, debridement, stop bleeding and absorption of excess fluids. The caregiver should remove an exudation from the wound before covering it. There are several kinds of dressing on the type of wound. They include hydrogel, collagen, hydrocolloid, and alginate.

3.    Laser therapy

According to the Journal of Athletic Training (JAT), low-level lesser therapy helps in wound healing. The therapy also reduces the pain experienced. It enhances the contractions of the abrasions. Laser therapy reduces the pain and inflammation chemicals and enzymes promoting faster healing of the wound. The process also increases production of collagen production enzymes leading to faster growth of new skin. The dosage or amount of wavelength is dependent on the severity of the wound. The manufacturer’s manual should be read and understood before using this type of treatment.

4.    Treatment of secondary infections

Wounds can be colonized by bacteria. The infestation can inhibit the patient’s immune system leading to slow healing of the wound. Due to the loss of blood, a victim can contract anemia. The condition requires fast correction through transfusion, administration of drugs or observation of certain diet. The wound should be kept debrided because exudes can lead to bacterial infections. Other secondary infections may include fever and excessive pain which require immediate attention since they could be signs of an escalating medical condition.

5.    Vaccination

A wound exposes the body to conditions like tetanus. To avoid complication, the physician should vaccinate the patient against any possible diseases. Wounds caused by cuts of sharp metals are a predisposing factor to tetanus. Therefore, they call for immunization instantly after the accident.

These wound treatment tips will prove useful for faster healing of any wounds. Don Trudeau advice will play a central role in the patient’s wellbeing. The treatment should also help in pain reduction or elimination. The advice on proper diet is also essential in the healing of a wound. A follow up should be made to ensure the patient is following the diet schedule.

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